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Money focus (Venus money prosperity )

Regular price $15.15 USD
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Another handcrafted by cherry quartz 

using green candles & honey suckle 

green candles represents nature ,physical ,healing , money , abundance , fertility , growth 

honeysuckle folklore names are Dutch honeysuckle , Goats leaf , Woodbine 

                      Gender : Masculine    
                      Planet: Jupiter 

                     Element: Earth 

                     Powers : Money, Psychic Powers, Protection 

                    Magical Uses : Ring Green candles with honeysuckle flowers to attract money , or place them in a vase in the house for the same purpose . Lightly crush the fresh flowers and rub them on your forehead to heighten psychic powers . If a honeysuckle plant grows outside near your home it will bring good luck , and if it grows over the door it will keep fevers at bay for the household.


rub olive oil or coconut oil all over the candle and dress the candles with the honeysuckle And pray over it with your intentions and light the wick and you set to go